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   Viewing Options:

The best viewing experience, of the multi-media elements on this site, is via a cell phone. The laptop version of the site elements, as they are currently displayed, is the second best version. Finally, the YouTube channel experience, with the normal media player, is very good, as well. Larger screen/media player sizes, and, ultimately, the full screen version, gradually degrade the visual material, and, in the process, provide a far more inferior work of artistic integrity.

Highly recommended browser extension for a more dynamic viewing experience:

The “YouTube™ On Hover” browser extension starts previewing a YouTube link once your mouse is placed on top of a link pointing to The floating player is a YouTube official embedded player. By default the player is placed right bellow the link. You can change the relative positioning from the options page. To hide the player, simply click somewhere on the page.

Google Chrome browser extension (works on the Brave browser, as well):

Mozilla Firefox browser extension:

Opera browser extension:

Apple Safari browser extension:

Suggested browsers:

Brave browser:

Tor browser:

Mozilla Firefox:

Suggested search engines:

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