The 1st Annual Divergence Festival Presents:
“America, A Nation Divided”
“The Dark Secret Occult History of the
United States/United Nations/New World Order”
*In 3 Acts*
Film/Book Highlights/Preview:
“Romeo Monticello’s Providence Renaissance vs. The Unholy Roman Empire’s New World Order”
Illustrative Chapters/Scenes:
1. Romeo Monticello’s Providence Renaissance
4. Mr. and Mrs. Monticello at their Newport Mansion
Film/Book Playlists:
Film/Book Playlist # 1:
1. Renaissance: Act 1, 2, & 3 (Chapter/Scene by Chapter/Scene).
*Note: If you click the menu symbol at the top of the video player, you can view the full playlist.*
The following scenes are missing from this playlist, but they are included in the other playlist, in the relevant sections, as well as in the appropriate pages of this site, as accessed through the main menu: 24. President Washington Jefferson Roosevelt Bush’s Speech, i.e. “The State of Disunion”, Section 3, and 21. l. Vatican’s Holocaust/Inquisition.*
Film/Book Playlist # 2:
2. Renaissance: Act 1, 2, & 3 (Section by Section).
*Note: If you click the menu symbol at the top of the video player, you can view the full playlist.*
Example Pictures/Quotes:
1. Bible Quotes, Jesuit Quotes, etc.
3. Pyramid Portraits, Miscellaneous Pictures, etc.
5. Vatican/Vampyre City/Whore of Babylon
Musical Accompaniment: Bach : Toccata and Fugue in D minor, Dracula's Theme
To Whom It May Inspire,
This film/book, which is a contemporary multi-media adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” set in Providence, RI, was inspired by the micro-cultural renaissance occurring in Providence at this time. Thus, I turned the “Renaissance City”, i.e. Providence, into a kind of Gotham City, a cartoon-esque environment/stage for the real Providence Renaissance, a modern day Protestant Reformation/Great Awakening, to be born, Yahweh’s Renaissance.
Romeo, like Alpha Romeo, Monticello, like the instrument, is the hero/protagonist in the film, who inspires the “Providence Renaissance” in an effort to save Alfredo Cappuccinno’s diner, i.e. the Heart of America, and to make a last stand against the forces of evil in the world. His father, Rockefeller Monticello, of Old Money Newport, is the Archetypical Aristocrat, and the ultimate personification of this Absolute Evil.
Don Malevolio, the local Godfather of Federal Hill, the Italian District in Providence, The Skulls, local gang members, and Mayor Chianti all comprise the dark side of the Renaissance City. Alfredo, Teodoro, and Julietta Cappuccinno, Bishop, as in chess, Amore, The Romantics, artists and musicians, and Governor Moses all comprise the brighter, more colorful aspects of the Renaissance City.
The lines are drawn. Will Alfredo Cappuccinno’s diner be saved? Will Rockefeller Monticello’s “largest skyscraper in the world” take it’s place forever? Will the “Providence Renaissance” be born? Don’t miss this spine tingling journey through history, and the collective unconscious. An atomic paradigm of the mind.
Here’s an overview of the various story elements:
The original “Romeo and Juliet” characters’ names are changed to establish their socio-political, or religious significances. The storyline incorporates a fusion of various genres including melodrama, farce, political satire, parody, tragedy, romantic comedy, etc., and the underlying thrust of the film is embodied in the documentary narrative that runs throughout the story. The underlying narrative is essentially a “history of evil”, which traces the influence of Satan, The Unholy Roman Empire, the Jesuits, the origins and evolution of Freemasonry, the ten kings/kingdoms of Revelation, and the Luciferian/Satanic New Age/New World Order/World Empire.
This all-encompassing feature length film/three act play/novella has sixty-one chapters in all, which correlate directly with the scenes in the film. The film is an experimental/author’s reading of the book, with a soundtrack, so it’s not exactly like a typical feature film, and it’s meant to be experienced in small, incremental exposures. Ideally, the audience will enjoy the various illustrated characters, scenes, and vignettes, while the film provides a soundtrack, visual information/imagery, and a storyteller-style reading of the text, with the use of different voices for each of the characters.
I hope you enjoy this multi-dimensional/multi-media odyssey, and please excuse my eccentricities. There are retrospective, futuristic, ancient, and modern elements. In an effort to generate an air of mass appeal and accessibility, providing a vehicle to communicate to as many people as possible, I utilized a variety of plot twists, parallel storylines, and juxtapositions of scenes to communicate this volatile information as effectively as possible. I believe this work offers a powerful counterpoint to the “forces of evil” in the world, who are in the process of implementing a world empire. It is designed to shepherd people through “the valley of the shadow of death”, presently, and, most specifically, at the onset of a, potentially nuclear, world war three scenario.
This work was created in honor of Our Father, Yahweh, The Creator of The Universe, and His Son, Yahushua Ha’Mashiach, The Messiah, The Saviour of The Universe. The entire premise of this film/book is the belief that Yahushua, The Messiah, The King of Kings, will return someday, and destroy the forces of evil once and for all!!!! Take care, and may Yahweh, and Yahushua, bless you for all eternity. Exodus 20, Proverbs 8: 22-30, Matthew 7:7, Mark 4:22, John 3:16, 2 Thessalonians 2, and Ephesians 6:11-18. Amein.
For optimal film appreciation, the present screen size provides the best graphic display of the content. Ideally, the films are viewed on a cell phone. Larger screen sizes, and, ultimately, the full screen version, gradually degrade the visual material, and, in the process, provide a far more inferior work of artistic integrity.